Aida Mahmudova, The Crossing, 2024
Founder of YARAT Contemporary Art Space in Baku, Aida Mahmudova uses material as a tool for experimenting with and navigating the world she inhabits, subsequently referencing universal sentiments of love, loss, memory and desire. In her works for Art Dubai 2024, multi-layered psychological landscapes engage borders and horizons as means to explore notions of tension, anticipation, uncertainty, liminality, voyeurism and, perhaps most provocatively, mystery.
Gazelli Art House is delighted to present booths for both the Contemporary and Modern section, and Digital section, of Art Dubai 2024. In the Modern and Contemporary booth, an exhibition of artworks from leading Azeri artists will be exhibited, including the masters Farhad Khalilov and Ashraf Murad, and from the contemporaries Agil Abdullayev, Farhad Farzali, and Aida Mahmudova. In the digital section of the fair, GAZELL.iO, the digital arm of Gazelli Art House, present a joint display of works from renowned digital artists Ana María Caballero and Melissa Wiederrecht.
VIP Preview: 28 — 29 February, 2024
Fair Dates: 1 — 3 March, 2024
Location: Booths M-6, E-7 & X-23, Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai UAE